Improving digital experience to automotive users. As one of the famous car brand in the US, Buick wants to build a new direction brand which targets on millennials. We were trying to connect with their life as well as create a user experience which covers the millennials life.
Millennials love to travel, they take an average of 4.2 trips compared to the 2.9 average trips older generations take per year. They also like to share. Millennials share their life in many web base platforms, such as FB, Snapchat, or Instagram. 78% of Millennials would rather spend money on an experience they wanted to have over an item they desired.
User Story

Screen Hierarchy

Meeting Our Fans
After validating various concepts with participants. their feedback let me to develop prototypes. The low-fidelity prototypes focused on concept validation and simple usability. The medium fidelity rounds were more concerned with testing usability and flow between screens, Lastly, my high-fidelity prototype focused on concept and visual design.
Visual Design
UI Development
The instrument cluster entertainment and hud are designed for optimal placement to minimize refocus. The hud appears to hover nearly 7 feet in front of the windshield minimizing strain as the eye moves from the road to the info most needed.