
SaaS B2B - Autonomous Driving Monitoring System

Autonomous Driving Monitoring System

My Role: 

Product Design, UI UX and User testing.


72 hr

Driving Iteration

I phases of wireframe prototyping and tests with my potantial users made developing a viable product that much easier. I took the key components necessary to address user task and applied them to the findings of 3 time tests with my users.

As these concepts were fleshed out into Mid-Fi prototypes, I presented and shared our research and results with my user to get each concept signed off on.

The Style Guide


I created wizard-type flows, dashboard-esque screens, and much more. for UI I caution as to keep our accessibility intact. Finally, iteration, I landed on a design that user were comfortable with. I thought that this format could provide customized and efficient use with this Autonomous Driving Monitoring System as we add more features and functionality. Here is the final design.

Visualize thousands of complex decisions all vehicles make–both on the road and in simulation. User can sealy drag and drop their own bag files into working space to get immediate visual insight into robotics data. Or even connect to a live robot or simulation. It is modular so youse can compose their own data visualization layouts from a collection of configurable panels.


In this system, engineer teams and product managers can effectively review all the returns collected by the test teams and discuss and improve with the team in the next step. They can manage properly regardless of the number or complexity of the project.

  • Create new testing process

  • Free switching of multiple test projects

  • View Invoices and other payment documents

  • Check problem report and project status

  • View project participants and accurately share data


Final thought

I am fairly happy with the outcome, especially given the time constraints, Putting together a research-driven digital solution in 72hrs was not easy but I think I was able to illustrate the AV monitoring system core experience and value proposition. I focused on the report flow and customize layout flow, but there are so many other directions and I could go and build upon.

Next step, I would:

  1. Design an onboarding flow.

  2. Design a set of digital system to facilitate the discussion between testers and the team.

  3. Design user profiles and more engaging data visulization that user could use to understand situation and problem of self driving truck.

  4. Systematize my design.

  5. Spend more time researching the technology that supports the experience.


TOOLS: Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator

METHODS: 1:1 User Interview, Product Analyze, Unmoderated Testing